
Our purpose is to help our clients create the most positive change for communities

As social sustainability professionals, our purpose is to help our clients create the most positive change for communities. We do this by helping you win contracts with a high impact social value delivery strategy.

The Shared Value Business is committed to the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals and supports our clients to engage with these. 

In our own working practices, we’re taking action to support;

Goal 5: Gender Equality through employment, collaboration and mentoring,

Goal 8: Inclusive and Sustained Economic Growth and Decent Work through our work with supply chain and supporting Living Wage practices, and

Goal 15: Halting Biodiversity Loss by gifting 1% of our turnover annually to local environmental projects.

Goal 5 - Gender Equality
Global goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Global Goals Icon 15 - Life on Land

Interested in talking?

Every client is different, and one size doesn’t fit all.  

Let’s have a conversation to find out how we might help you best.