Bringing Social Value subject matter expertise and learning to your team.
Claire Louise Chapman FICRS
Director Claire Louise Chapman is a Fellow of both the Institute of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability and of the School for Social Entrepreneurs. She is a Level 1 Associate Practitioner with Social Value International.
She has been a Social Value consultant for over 5 years, working with corporate and public sector clients across diverse government supply chains, and delivering B2B training for public sector Growth Hubs, business membership organisations and academic institutions. She holds the following relevant qualifications.
- Level 1 Associate Practitioner Social Value International
- Carbon Literate via the Carbon Literacy Standard
- ILM7 Certificate in Strategic Leadership (Regeneration & Place-making)
- New Economics Foundation Social Return on Investment
- ILM 5 Social Enterprise North West Business Mentoring
- ILM 5 Homes and Communities Agency Understanding Place-making
- ILM 5 Understanding Social Enterprise

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